Friday, 27 July 2012

How to Track your Lost/Theft Phone and get it Back


Hi frndz......
Mobile theft is a common issue nowdays. Almost everyone might have heard of such cases in which someone's mobile was theft from the bag or purse or might have simply lost somewhere. So today we are sharing this information with our users so that if such a case happens with them they know what should be done. Certainly,it is done through a special number called the IEMI number. Most of u might have heard about it somewhere.But many of u might not know how to get back a mobile through it. IEMI stands for ''International Equipment mobile Identity''..IMEI numbers are independent of the phone number and are usually written below battery or at the back of the mobile

What you have to do????

Step 1 : First open your email account.

Step 2 : Now send an email as following

Your name-
Phone model-
Last Used No.-
E-mail for communication-
Lost/theft date-
IMEI No.- 

and send it to 

Step 3 : After you email to wait for few days 

they give you the details

This service is provided by cyber net police, So now if such things happens with you, You know what will be your next step should be...... It is much more effective than going to police because police help doesn't proves to be effective in such cases
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Keep your facebook account safe [Must read]

Hello friends,Now a days aprox. each and every internet user is on facebook, And facebook has became so popular that it has No.2 rank on the basis of pageviews , You can guess who is No.1 its the giant GOOGLE
Lets get back to our topic. So friends it has became so tuff task to keep your facebook account safe, today I am telling you some methods that can help you to keep you facebook account free from problems.


Here are some methods that can make your account safe
1. Set the security setting on your profile to "Only my friends." by doing this you can keep your personal things from exposing to bad guys who can use and try to takeover your account

2.Don't post any bad photo of you (for example, while you are smoking) on facebook as it may get on the eyes of your parents or School prinicpal.

3. Don't put your Phone numbers,address as someone might call you and disturb.

4. Change your password and recovery email address time to time to keep your account safe from being captured by anyone.

5. Don't confuse that facebook is an online dating site.

6. Remember that most of the profiles on facebook are fake , most probably a beautiful girl profile on facebook has a huge chances to be fake.

7. Don't login on any site other than , even it seems to be ditto copy to facebook original page else it may result you to lose your account
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How to Quickly know IP address of your Computer

Hello friends,
IP address is the uniqe identification of each internet connected device [just like IMEI of a mobile], So, today I am going to tell you simple way to know your IP [Internet Protocol] address,

So, here we go

Just go to HERE

And yes it will also tell you if you have hidden your IP using any proxy servers, That is in the screen shot NO PROXY DETECTED
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How to Boost your Mobile Battery Backup and Increase its Life

Hello friends,
Many of people are frustrated of replacing their batteries as they drain out very soon. So, today I am going to tell you some useful tips which will make your mobile battery life more.

  • Do not use 3G  : I am not asking you to not use 3G but if you are not doing video calls or using 3G internet, as 3G is like a enemy of battery who sucks batteries a lot to do data transfers in huge amount, which reduces battery backup as well as battery life.

  • Turn off bluetooth when ever not needed : Bluetooth also sucks battery and if it remains turned on it will be release its signal no matter you are doing data transfer or not, it will drain the battery.

  • Turn Off Wifi when not in use : Wifi is also another factor which sucks batteries a lot, If you are not using wifi or no wifi hotspot is near you, Even it will continue searching for new wifi hostspot resulting the drainage of batteries.

  • Reduce the brightness of your mobile (not very effective) : It is not very effective method to increase battery backup but it will be helpful

  • Use your dongle instead of using your mobile as a modem : I know that many of you must be using your mobile as modem in your computer but it sucks the battery a lot and will reduce your battery life, it drained my 2 batteries in about 2 years
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Make your own WIFI Hotspot with NOKIA [S60v3] Phones

I am going to post the amazing trick to make your own wifi hotspot which can be recieved through wifi on various devices, the internet which is provided to you by the telecom operators will be turned by your mobile to wifi signal, So, now you can recharge one wifi enable mobile and use internet on many devices.

So here are the Steps:

STEP 1 : First download this Joiku Wifi Hotspot 

STEP 2 : Now install this application on you S60 v3 mobile(which  should be wifi enabled)

STEP 3 : Now go open this app on your mobile, It will ask ''allow sharing your internet connection'' select yes.

STEP 4 : Choose your internet config of your operator etc.

Done.......!!!!!!! now your wifi hotspot is created and active, now external device can search for open WLAN networks, external devices will see you hotspot as "Joiku WLAN network", they can connect to the internet via your mobile
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Must have Apps from google for your Mobile

I am going to tell you about applications which are provided by the Giant google company.
So friends lets get started,

Searching and Browsing the Web

There are two application by Google 
1. Google Search : Now you can search google any time any where application which is called google Search and a big advantage is that you can search via text+ and your voice.

2. Google Chrome : Yes, Google launched its powerful browser for mobile which was earlier only for Computers now you can experience this extremely fast browser from your phone.

Navigating the world

Google Maps : This is an app in which you can get direction,map from anywhere and of anywhere in the world in just seconds, and yes this application also works on GPS.

Connect and Share

Google+ app : As you all must be knowing that Google+ is a emerging social networking site, and you can use your favorite Google+ from you mobile.

Be Entertained

There are two apps in this section

Google Play : Download a song from the web and listen it on your phone,reading a book on your laptop and pick up right where left reading earlier.You can now read, listen & watch anytime and anywhere you want.

Youtube : There are no words to define youtube, its a giant world of videos which you can watch by this app from your phone.


G-mail : It is a leading email provider from google which you can access from your phone
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Increase Your Laptop’s Battery Life


Follow these steps to increase your laptop’s battery life:

Screen of laptops take significant amount of power. You should check your system and decrease brightness of your screen to a comfortable point.

Stop wireless signals when you are not using them. After you turn of your laptop, it will save maximum 20 minutes of its battery life as WiFi can use considerable amount of power. Right click your mouse and stop its WiFi signals when you are not using it.

You should manage correct power scheme in Windows XP in your laptop to extend its battery life. You will find number of predetermined power plans in windows XP that control settings of your laptop. For instance how quickly it will shut down and when your screen saver will boot in. You can change your laptop’s power scheme by going into Control Panel then Power Options. For maximum battery life, choose the option of “Max. Battery” and decline the list. “Low Power Mode” is also good choice. Select any power scheme and click OK button to finish the process.see image downpage

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Is Linux Safe From Viruses?



Hi all users, I know many of you have heard it before that Linux can't get infected by virus, or in Linux you're safe from being infected but a question is arise Is Linux Immune to Viruses? In a word, "No."

Any computer that is attached to a network is not immune to viruses. But, as with everything else, it's relative. If you compare the vulnerability of Linux to Windows, you can understand why so many say Linux is immune. But before we get into any myth busting, let's examine just what a computer virus is.

According to Wikipedia, a virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. That's a pretty broad description. Most people would consider a more specific definition. That same Wiki page continues on to say The term "computer virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. Now we're talking. So with the two definitions combined, you could say a computer virus is any type of malicious code or software that can either infect a computer and replicate/distribute itself or a piece of malicious code or software that can be unwittingly distributed via numerous electronic means.

Means to an End

Computer viruses can be transmitted in many ways, such as:

   Email attachments.
    Malicious URLs.
    Within applications (such as browser add ons).

It will be my attempt, in this article, to show you that although it is very challenging for a virus to infect a Linux machine, that does not mean you should be without protection.

Email Attachments

Why are email attachments not so dangerous in Linux? Well, generally speaking it is because nearly all malicious email attachments target Windows machines. When you get those suspect attachments they are usually in the form of .exe or .zip files (the .zip files containing malicious .exe executable code). When you click on an .exe file in Linux your machine will not really know what to do with it (unless you have Wine installed).

But say that attachment has targeted Linux machines and is in the form of, say, .deb, .rpm, or .bin - what then? Those types of files can be installed on Linux machines. Well, first and foremost - if the file is in .deb format and you are using an RPM-based system, nothing will happen. If, however, you receive an email with a .rpm attachment, and you're using an RPM-based system, what happens? It will ask you for either your root or your sudo password (depending on your security model).

What would be the proper reaction to this? To not proceed. The difference between this model and the traditional Windows model is that when you double click on that attachment in Windows, the installation can proceed without your intervention. In certain instances there is no "sanity" check. Click and BOOM the virus has installed itself and you are infected.

Now naturally, if you are using a Windows machine, you are taking advantage of an anti-virus solution to prevent such issues from arising. What about Linux? Do you need an anti-virus for Linux? You might be surprised when I say "Yes!" But why? If Linux is so much more immune to viruses, why should you employ a virus scanner?

Let me ask you a simple question: Have you ever forwarded anything with attachments to another user? If so, is that user a Windows user? If so, you could very well have given that attachment a chance at a successful infection. So why not add a virus scan to your Linux system to avoid such an issue?

And if you manage your own email server (such as a Postfix or Sendmail server) on a Linux machine, anti-virus scanning is a must have. Just because your email server is a Linux machine does not mean an email containing a virus is non-lethal. That email-strapped virus could easily make its way to a Windows machine where it will happily begin its infectious life.

To that end, you owe it to yourself to install an anti-virus such as ClamAV.

Malicious URLs

I have yet to come across a URL that has done any direct damage to a Linux machine. But harmful URLs are not the only type of malicious URLs. One type of URL is a spoofed address. A spoofed address is a malicious address that masquerades itself as a safe address. These can be in the form of a fake bank account login screen, or Paypal login. Any number of addresses can be spoofed. And any address that requires you to log in with credentials is dangerous when spoofed.

Do these types of threats directly effect the Linux operating system? No, but they do effect the user. Fortunately most modern browsers have add ons to protect your browsing experience. These should not be neglected just because you are using Linux. A good sampling of Firefox add ons can be found in the Firefox Security Add on page.

Application Danger

Because Linux is open source, you can not trust every piece of software out there. You can, however, trust all software that is distributed by your distribution's OFFICIAL channels. For example, any software officially supported within the Ubuntu Software Center will be safe. Once you venture outside of the realm of the "Officially Supported," you risk installing malicious software.

That is not to say you should not trust any software not provided through the official channels of your distribution. Because Linux is open source, software is generally under a lot of peer scrutiny. No one wants to be known as the coder that created malicious Linux software.

But if you are of the paranoid persuasion, as long as you stick with software supported by your distribution, you should avoid installing any malicious code on your machine.

I will warn you, though, there was a proof of concept virus for Linux that took advantage of both GNOME and KDE launchers. This code could be added to either the ~/.config/autostart folder (For GNOME) or ~/.kde/Autostart (For KDE). Anyone really paranoid (using either GNOME or KDE) could create a bash script to search for, and delete, any suspicious files (or links) in that directory. Just be careful writing that script so that you do not delete anything important.

Got Root?

Root kits are the real danger. A root kit is a system of malicious software designed to obfuscate itself such that the user has no idea it was installed and is running. I have been a victim of a root kit (long ago) and strongly suggest the addition of the rkhunter tool. In fact, when installing a new Linux system, rkhunter is one of the first tools I add. And as soon as it is added, it is used.

Root kits are those nasty pieces of software that once installed are really difficult (if not impossible) to remove. And some root kits are so bad they compromise your system such that you can not recover. And if you're wondering how many root kits are out there, install rkhunter, run it, and see how many root kits it checks for. You will be surprised. And root kits do not just attack servers. I have seen desktop machines infected with root kits. This is especially true if your Linux machine lives on a static IP address with no firewall protection between it and the outside world.

Final Thoughts

So, what do you think? Is Linux immune to viruses? I hope your answer is "no." That answer, and the prevention it inspires, will keep your Linux machine virus free for years to come. Personally, I have used Linux for twelve years and not had a virus or any malicious software on any of my personal machines or servers. If you are cautious like me, you too can enjoy virus-free computing for years. But if you fall into the trap of believing that Linux is perfectly immune to viruses, you very well might fall victim to that naivety.
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DC Hair Laser Removal Washington



In Washington DC, excessive hair in undesired locations is a problem for both men and women. For women, hair virtually anywhere other than the head and bikini area can be embarrassing. Men, although permitted a certain amount of hairiness, are still considered unattractive if they have excessive hair on their backs or chests. Laser Hair Removal in Washington, DC is one of the most effective methods for permanent near-total removal of unwanted hair. Many people in Washington, DC will see up to six months of hairlessness in treated areas and a permanent reduction of up to 90% in unwanted hair.

If you want to experience laser hair removal for yourself, schedule a cosmetic treatment consultation on K Street in Washington, DC at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery.

How Laser Hair Removal in Washington, DC Works

DC Laser Hair Removal works by the principles of selective photothermolysis. When laser light hits your skin, it is absorbed more by darker tissues than lighter tissues. Since hair shafts and follicles normally contain more melanin, the chemical that makes skin cells darker, they tend to absorb more light than surrounding tissues. This causes them to heat up more rapidly than the surrounding skin and suffer more thermal damage, which causes the follicles to shut down or even die.

Laser Hair Removal on Different Skin Colors in Washington, DC

Laser Hair Removal in Washington, D.C. works best on light-skinned people with dark hairs. But even people with dark skin can have laser hair removal. Your skin will heat up some during treatment. How much it heats up depends on your skin and hair color. Controlling the length and intensity of pulses controls the amount of heating. Although dark-skinned individuals can be treated, people with blonde or grey hairs that lack melanin can be very hard to treat. These hairs may need to be removed with an alternate method.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure and Results in Washington, DC

Laser Hair Removal in Washington, DC  is performed by performing a series of laser pulses over the area to be treated.  Each pulse treats an area about one-quarter inch square, and is accompanied by a slight tingling or burning sensation. A common description is that a pulse feels like a rubber-band snap. If you have sensitive skin or are concerned about pain, a topical anesthetic can be used.

The length of treatment depends on the area being treated. Upper lip treatment can be done in five minutes, underarm treatments in less than half an hour, and full legs or back treatment can take up to an hour and a half.

After your laser hair removal treatment in Washington, DC, your skin may feel warm and slightly uncomfortable for a few hours–like mild sunburn. After a few days, your skin will begin to shed hairs affected by the treatment. These can be removed by gentle washing with a gentle, moisturizing soap. Avoid sun exposure of the treated area for several days after a hair removal session.

Typically, three to five treatments are necessary to experience optimal results. Depending on your skin color, hair color, and area treated, you should see between 50-80% reductions in hair in the treated area, with darker hairs responding more often to treatment. The areas that respond best to treatment are the bikini and the underarm, while the chin and back respond less well.

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Google Said to Launch Virtual Server Cloud at I/O


Google is said to be introducing its very own cloud platform during the Google I/O developer conference to compete with similar offerings from Amazon and Microsoft.

That may sound strange at first since Google already has a cloud platform, App Engine. The difference is that Google will start offering virtual servers as opposed to an app platform, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) as opposed to Paas (platform as a service).

Amazon's Web Services for example allows developers to spun up virtual servers to suit their needs.

They don't actually get to run bare metal, though they can do that if they're willing to pay for it, but they get a machine or several to play with, for all intents and purposes.

They can choose from a number of available operating systems, several Linux distributions or Windows, and have complete freedom in the software configuration and what they're able to do with the servers.

Google's current cloud, on the other hand, enables developers to run applications, written in several programming languages though Python is prefered, and get all the resources they need, but they don't get access to the actual servers.

That's about to change, according to the rumor, Google will start renting virtual servers as well. It's going to interesting to watch as Google goes head to head with Amazon.

The latter has the IaaS market pretty nicely wrapped up and is a favorite of startups and companies or researchers on a budget. Google will also be able to compete with Amazon's storage service, S3, with its Cloud Storage service.

It remains to be seen what Google will announce, if anything, rumors don't always turn out to be accurate. But Google has usually reserved big announcements about its cloud platform for Google I/O so if the announcement is coming it's going to be there.
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Google Drive for iPhone, iPad is Now Available in the App Store


The search giant headquartered in Mountain View, California has released Google Drive for iPhone and iPad. The application works much like Dropbox, in that it lets you store all your important stuff in one place.

Users can upload all their files from their computer, phone or tablet, and then access that very content on the same devices, whichever happens to be closest to them.

Whatever you upload on one device will instantly appear on the others through the magic of cloud computing.

Google is offering everyone 5 GB of free storage (the same amount as Apple’s iCloud) to kick things off.

“Google Drive lets you create, share, collaborate and keep all your stuff in one place,” says Google. “Upload all your files from your computer - even the big ones - and you can access them anywhere, including your iPhone or iPad. We get you started with 5 GB free.”

“Quickly share a photo with a friend 1000 miles away. Read the most up to date version of your document whether you’re at home, at the office, or on the go,” the app’s description continues.

“Make items available offline so you view them while you’re on a plane. No matter what happens to your devices, even if your iPhone goes for a swim, your files are safely stored in Google Drive.”

The key features, as enumerated by Google, include the ability to access and view your documents, photos and videos anywhere, quickly and easily, or the option to make files available offline so you can access them even when the Internet is out of reach. It also allows sharing files with collaborators on the go.

Users can also sync files across their desktop and all their devices, open files from Drive with other apps installed on the respective hardware, and they can star important files (sort of like bookmarking) to find them later with ease.

Google Drive requires iOS 5.0 or later, and it’s a universal app for both iPhone and iPad.

Download Google Drive iOS (Free)

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Aircel Affordably Revised Its 3G Data Packs


AircelIndia’s leading mobile operator today revised its 3G data packs affordable to all customer.Currently Aircel Offers its 3G in 13 circles.Remember the only operator gives unlimited data in 2G packs.
Aircel’s new 3g packs are unlimited with (FUP), very much affordable to its 2G data packs, starting Rs.7 for 1 day.There is no extra charges and shocking bills.
Aircel will intimate its customers via SMS once they consume 100% of high speed data quota within bill cycle.
Note that pricing of these data packs may differ slightly in circles. For more details call Aircel customer care 121 from your Aircel mobile.
Details of Aircel 3G Data Packs:
Price3G UsageValid forPost 3G usage
Plans for Mobile OnlyRs. 750 MB @ 3.6 Mbps1 dayUnlimited at 128kbps#
Rs. 16100 MB @ 3.6 Mbps3 days
Rs. 39200 MB @ 3.6 Mbps7 days
Rs. 67250 MB @ 3.6 Mbps15 days
Rs. 128500 MB @ 3.6 Mbps30 days
Plans for Mobile + DongleRs. 1981 GB @ 3.6 Mbps30 days
Rs. 3992 GB @ 3.6 Mbps30 days
Rs. 6975 GB @ 7.2 Mbps30 days
Rs. 99710 GB @ 7.2 Mbps30 days
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Top 10 online Shopping sites in India [Overall Ranking]

Hello friends, many of us get confused that from where we will get best deals with cheap pricegood customer support.............
convenience of paying, reliability and more! So, today I am giving you the names of best shopping sites in India.

List of top 10 shopping sites in India based on users votes











*Note :- These ranking have obtained on doing poll by another website. 
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Create Moving Image Optical Illusion in Photoshop

Ever notice how sometimes images can play tricks on you? In today’s tutorial I will demonstrate how to create an optical illusion that appears to move, even though in reality, it is standing still. Let’s get started!

Tutorial Details
Program: Adobe Photoshop CS3
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated Completion Time: 1 Hour

Step 1

Create a new document with dimensions set to 1280px by 800px.

Step 2

Hit CMD + R to enable rulers if you don’t have them turned on by default. Make sure they are displaying pixels. Create a new guideline every 50 pixels both vertically and horizontally. You can create them by going to View > New Guide or by clicking on a ruler and by dragging it onto the canvas. If you prefer to use a dialog box then you’ll have to turn it on several times and simply type in values starting from 50px to 1250px in case of vertical guidelines and 50px to 750px in case of horizontal guidelines.

Step 3

Fill the background layer with #564734 using the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Grab an Ellipse Tool (U) and create an ellipse on a new layer (hit CMD + Shift + N and Enter to create a new layer). My ellipse has 46px by 34px including a 3px black and white border. So, I’d recommend something that has between 43px by 31px at first but it doesn’t have to have exactly these dimensions. Its dimensions don’t make a huge difference but your ellipses have to be placed close together. Large gaps will produce poor results.

Step 4

Double-click on the thumbnail of your layer with ellipse and apply the following style. Turn on Stroke. Change Fill Type from Color to Gradient. Change Angle from 90 degrees to 180 degrees. Click on the gradient bar and anew window should pop up. Create two additional indicators in the middle of the bar. Set first two indicators to white (#ffffff) and the last ones to black (#000000). Also enable Color Overlay and change its color to #564734 for instance.

note: the above image size is not so big so please Download it to view it clearly

Step 5

Now grab the Ellipse Tool (U) again and create a new layer above your previous layer (hit CMD + Shift + N and Enter). Draw a smaller ellipse inside your last one. Its size is up to you. Just make sure everything looks like on the image below.

Step 6

Group these two layers by selecting them and hitting CMD + G. Right-click on the group and choose Merge Group.

Step 7

Move your first layer there where the two guidelines cross in the top left corner as shown below.

Step 8

Hit CMD + J or go to Layer > Duplicate Layer in order to duplicate this layer. Place the copy right below your first layer. Once it’s exactly in the middle of the two crossing guidelines hit CMD + T. Rotate the copy by 30 degrees. You can do that in the top toolbar (see the screenshot below).

Step 9

Keep copying THE FIRST ellipse and rotate each copy by multiples of 30 degrees. Place each copy on top of everything else (that’s also very important). Once you get to 180 degrees you won’t be able to type in 210 degrees so just use negative values. So, third copy would have 60 degrees, fourth 90 degrees, seventh 180 degrees, eighth -150 degrees and so on. Once you are done you should have 15 copies in total. Select each copy by selecting the first one in layers’ palette, holding Shift key and selecting the last one. All the copies in between should have become selected. Hit CMD + G to group them.

Step 10

Go to Layer > Duplicate Group and duplicate it. Select your Move Tool (V) and drag this group like one the image below.

Step 11

Open up your newly created copy of the group and remove the very bottom layer (which should be your very top ellipse). Then duplicate the third layer counting from bottom of this group which should be your third layer counting from top of the ellipses. If you’re unsure which layers should be removed and which moved then take a look at the image below.

Step 12

Repeat the 11th step several times until you get the final image.

When Does This Effect Work?

This effect will work in several instances.

1.You can use many different shapes to achieve the same effect. Circles and ellipses seem to work the best but rectangles or squares would do the trick as well
2.Each shape should be lighter on one side and darker on the other. This could be a black and white border like in my case or just a gradient with any color as long as there is a visible contrast between them.

3.You can put something inside the shape to make it more detailed.
Your image should consist of many similar shapes and each one has to be really close to one another.

4.Your image should be large enough so that it makes your eyes constantly move.

5.You can create just about any pattern from these circles or ellipses.

6.You should rotate your shapes step by step so that their darker sides (black in my case) are right next to the lighter ones (white in my case). It is very good idea to rotate each circle a bit (like 15 degrees or 30 degrees). If you don’t rotate them it should still work fine but it would ‘move’ vertically or horizontally.

7.Other than that you won’t get this kind of effect or it wouldn’t be as much observable.

How Does This Effect Work?

When we look at the image below, our brain tries to convert it from 2D to 3D. This is because the borders around the ellipses are inconsistent. This confuses us and creates an illusion of movement.

Final Image

Take a look at the final image below.

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